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この度、5月29日に大阪の江坂テニスセンターで相生学院高校専用のショーケース、30日から31日にかけて東京の有明テニスの森でアメリカの大学のコーチたちを招いて、US College Exposure Campを開催いたしました。


これもひとえに、メインスポンサーであるダンロップスポーツマーケティング様、株式会社Kimony様、有限会社Best Performance様の多大なるご協力の賜物です。この場を借りて、心より感謝申し上げます。


また、これまで私が関わってきた現役アメリカの大学生、卒業生の皆様、NYでの元生徒富澤直人くんのお母さんの富澤愛子さま、そしてメインスタッフとしてオンコートでの進行を手伝ってくれた幼馴染の太田茂コーチ、山根一真コーチ、欠かせない存在となった岡本七海さん(University of Hawaii Hilo)、渡辺龍乃介くん(Boston University)、沖縄から駆けつけてくれた長年の友人で弊社アドバイザーの酒井亮裕医師、テキサスA&M大学(今年の女子NCAA D1チャンピオン)の新井翔勇トレーナーなど、皆様のおかげでこのような素晴らしいイベントを実現することができました。






We held a dedicated showcase for Aioi Gakuin High School at Esaka Tennis Center in Osaka on May 29th, followed by the US College Exposure Camp at Ariake Tennis Forest in Tokyo from May 30th to 31st, inviting coaches from American universities.

We had a record-breaking event with over 100 participants, including 59 players from Hokkaido in the north to Okinawa in the south, coaches and trainers from 13 American universities, about 20 staff members, and the parents of the participants over the three days.

This achievement was made possible thanks to the support of our main sponsor, Dunlop Sports Marketing, as well as our sponsors Kimony Co., Ltd. and Best Performance Co., Ltd. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to them.

The success of this event is determined by the coaches and players who participated, so I cannot say for sure. However, the coaches who gathered were truly wonderful people, and although the time was short, I enjoyed being with them every day. Additionally, I would like to thank the current American university students and graduates I have been involved with in the past, my childhood friends who helped on-court as main staff members, Mrs. Aiko Tomizawa, the mother of my former student Naoto Tomizawa, whom I taught in New York. Coach Shigeru Ota and Coach Kazuma Yamane, the indispensable Nanami Okamoto (University of Hawaii Hilo), Ryunosuke Watanabe (Boston University), my longtime friend and company advisor Dr. Akihiro Sakai who came all the way from Okinawa, and Trainer Sho Arai from Texas A&M University (this year’s NCAA D1 Women's Champion). Without any of these people, this event would not have been possible.

This time, we had Sena Takebe, a graduate of Temple University, give a guest speech. She said, "There wasn't a single American on the team, and at first, it was really tough being surrounded by players from other countries. But in the end, it gave me flexibility in my thinking, and I had experiences that I couldn't have had if I hadn't gone to America." Hearing this, I thought that if more young people could develop such a global perspective, the future of Japan would be bright.

It has been 11 years since I started this job. Initially, I was sending just one person, but recently, I have been helping about 20 students each year. I am truly happy to see an increasing number of students aiming for American universities.

However, not all American universities are great. As Ms. Takebe mentioned, the first two years can be tough and mentally challenging. I aim to provide support during those times. Japanese universities are also wonderful, and the dedication of Japanese coaches is also the best in the world. There is much to learn as a Japanese person. Considering American university study abroad as a third option, in addition to turning professional or going to a Japanese university, is beneficial. Having options is always a good thing. I hope all athletes will carefully consider their futures, balancing academics and sports, and not become solely focused on tennis.

This has been a long message, but I wanted to take this opportunity to express my gratitude and share that the event concluded.

Thank you for your continued support.



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